ZŠ a MŠ Katovice, okr. Strakonice
Školní 284, 387 11 Katovice
E-maily posílejte na:
383 398 587
O škole
Our Activities
Let's retain & grow your donor base
Our Mission & Vision.
Safe havens for support
With 144 years of experience, we are the second oldest homeless mission in the country and the oldest in Pennsylvania, housing some 240 men each night. More than just a meal and a bed, we build relationships with our guests to give them hope and reorient their lives. Our faith is the foundation.
Good that grows
With 144 years of experience, we are the second oldest homeless mission in the country and the oldest in Pennsylvania, housing some 240 men each night. More than just a meal and a bed, we build relationships with our guests to give them hope and reorient their lives. Our faith is the foundation.
Customized programs
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Co děláme
Rodiče a škola
Spolupracujeme s rodiči a pečovateli na zajištění optimálního vzdělávacího prostředí pro každého žáka.